
Showing posts from May, 2021

AP Skill Development is conducting #free_online_training for the #unemployed youth of the state on the below mentioned courses: 1. Tally Naipunya 2. e-Commerce and Digital Marketing 3. Amazon Web Services (AWS) 4. Python 5. MS Office (Basic) The training shall be implemented by the expert resource persons of APSSDC, for free of cost. The total training duration per course is to be 30 hours (or) 15 working days. The unemployed youth in the state can register themselves and avail the training by clicking on the below-mentioned link: The Training time schedule will be informed to the candidate after successful registration. #APSSDC #SkillAP #skillfromhome #AP


*Dear Students,* We quickly wanted to remind you about *IBM*  joining with *APSSDC* conducting *'Call for Code' workshops* exclusively for Andhra Pradesh engineering student developers on *21th May 2021 at 11 am IST*.   Request you join the session by registering in the link given below you need to register in advance for this meet. *Webex link:* Please download *Telegram App & Join group link*: *IBM Call for Code workshop - Registration Steps:* *Step 1:* Registering into IBM Cloud using *Step 2:* Register for Call for Code program Process: (a) Open (b) Click on Learn how to get started (c) In step1, click on Join now *Step 3:* Register on Eventbrite to track your attendance using below link Password: callforcode *Step 4:* Complete the pre-workshop demo using below link With Regards New Initiatives Engineering  (Technical) *APSSDC*


AP SKILL MISSION AP SKILL DEVELOPMENT APSSDCCHITTOOR SKILL AP #education #employment #entrepreneurship #APSSDC #YSJaganMohanReddy #Skill_India #apprenticeship #SkillAP_APSSDC #AP_CM

I wish to introduce myself District Skill Developmnt officer (APSSDC), Dept of Skill Trainings, Govt. Andhra Pradesh. As part of facing Covid-19 pandemic and building capacities of Staff (Medical & supporting), several  very short term programs are designed for Medical , Nursing & Supporting staff in clinical Management, prevention, control, vaccination and  disposal of Medical waste.  These are online modules being prepared based on ICMR, CDC, WHO & MoHFW Guidelines. APSSDC invites online registrations thorugh the following link. Link : We request you to pl, circulate among all relavent personnel from Medical & Heath care staff,  Nursing and supporting staff for their benefit and better service delivery. Also request you to share the information with all Private Hospitals also and invite the interested to participate in the trainings.  The syllabi / duration/ target groups of seven programs are attached for kind information and neces...
అమ్మ లేకపోతే జననం లేదు. అమ్మ లేకపోతే గమనం లేదు. అమ్మ లేకపోతే సృష్టిలో జీవం లేదు. అమ్మే లేకపోతే అసలు సృష్టే లేదు’’.. కంటిపాపలా కాపాడే అమ్మకి ‘మదర్స్ డే’ శుభాకాంక్షలు