I wish to introduce myself District Skill Developmnt officer (APSSDC), Dept of Skill Trainings, Govt. Andhra Pradesh. As part of facing Covid-19 pandemic and building capacities of Staff (Medical & supporting), several very short term programs are designed for Medical , Nursing & Supporting staff in clinical Management, prevention, control, vaccination and disposal of Medical waste. These are online modules being prepared based on ICMR, CDC, WHO & MoHFW Guidelines. APSSDC invites online registrations thorugh the following link. Link : https://forms.gle/QJawW1FzSSbzWqPEA We request you to pl, circulate among all relavent personnel from Medical & Heath care staff, Nursing and supporting staff for their benefit and better service delivery. Also request you to share the information with all Private Hospitals also and invite the interested to participate in the trainings. The syllabi / duration/ target groups of seven programs are attached for kind information and neces...